Early French radio
Early radio from the 1920's, brand unknown - made in France by a small factory in mid France - this is a very rare disign because the radio employs no capacitors, it takes advantage of the capacity between the coils in the radio and has more coils than other radios in those days, it also has 3 flat tuning coils that can be moved by the 3 knobs at the front, the distance between the tuningcoils define the tuning frequency - it can also be switched between something like long wave and medium wave reception - 4 x 4V ff / 80V plate, triode tubes. Radios like these are not “high tech” by today's standards. But, they were made with tears, sweat, and the limits of the technology of the day.
Matsusita model ?
Made in Japan in the 1950s - 4 tubes with ff in series, also in series with ff a capacitor to bring down the voltage - small table top radio - plastic case - supply 220 V AC/DC - MW / SW / LW - plays very well. (do you know the brandname?)
Admiral 4L25
Made in USA in the 1950s - 4 tubes - small table top radio - 110 V AC/DC - beautiful red plastic case with gold characters on front - MW- one pcb 4L2 chassis with all parts on it
Scanantenna radio made in USA in the 1950's - radio employs 1,5V tubes, but has mains supply also - in the carrying handle is the ferrit rod placed, now you can turn it to a broadcasting station for best reception. This radio has exceptional performance.
Murphy 188
Twin dial radio of 1948 made in England (GB)- 11 tubes of special GB type & brand - with seperate reciever and amplifier chassis in one cabinet, receiver in the top and power-amp in the bottom of cabinet - push pull balanced twin output tube power amp. that gives 20 W RMS - big 25 W 12' Celestion high quality speaker for great sound - this radio was designed for big rooms and corner positioning.
The dials of this remarkable radio.
Philips Plano
The end of the tube era.
click on the painting
©Hans Hilberink 1996 Radio museum PE1MMK ® 15-03-2013 .