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PE - Perpetuum Ebner - SV-10 amplifier
The city of St. Georgen Germany.
PE, short for Perpetuum Ebner, was a company in southern Germany.
The company originating in 1911 by a former Dual co-owner Mr. J. Steidinger and
his new company Perpetuum constructed small spring and electro motors for the industry.
Later in the 1930's Perpetuum started to make recordplayers as they already made the recordplayer motors for the audio industry.
When Mr. Ebner took over the company in 1936, the name of the company was extended with his name.
The company was extended and they started building modern products with as highlight the 2020 record-player in the 1960's.
The Factory and its quality products and the logo. V
PE also started to make electronic gear as extension to their record-players, such as built-in amps and stand alone amps like the SV 10 and the HSV 22.
The PE SV10 amplifier:
The PE SV10 amplifier was one early (~ 1960) solid state amplifier made in Germany.
< Front
Logo and back panel ^
The PE SV10 amplfier was 2x 3 Watts RMS and 2x 5 Watts Music power output making a total of 10 Watts at 8 Ohms.
< Interior PE SV10.
The updated interior V
Special futures:
In some amps of PE very modern electronic design can be found such as tone control in the feedback of the HSV 22 power-amp section,
this electronic concept was later known as the "Luxman duo beta" concept.
User Manual:
Schematic diagram of a similar design in PDF
Schematic diagram of a similar design in PDF
Another schematic: the PE HSV22:
HSV22 interior ^
Service manual of the PE HSV22 in PDF
Change capacitors that do not meet the specs.
The transistors used are Siemens AC151 (x) in the pre-amp and Philips AC187/188 in the power amp section.
Some AC151 can produce quite some noise after so many years, they are well known for their noise production,
it is wise to exchange the AC 151 with similar transistors like Philips AC126 and AC125 to get the amp quiet.
Detail of the PE SV10 power amp section V
Addressing some ageing capacitor problems in a PE HSV 22 (photo from a diy audio forum)V
The sound of the products of PE was good.
Some PE's got legendary and were sold in high quantities at the time.
PE got into a strong competition with the German company Dual and the products had a similar typical appearance:
silver fronts, silver knobs/buttons and walnut-wood cabinets, the typical southern-German "Alpen" look,
many products were made in this successful typical look.
Although the products of PE were sometimes better than the competition like Dual, Dual took interest in PE and
bought shares and later in 1972 the whole company when PE got into a ever weaker financial situation.
Other products of PE:
Here you see the SV10 integrated in a stereo pickup.
The legendary PE HSV 65 amplfier V
HiFi quality products from PE.
© PE1MMK Hans Hilberink, 1999* last update: 15-07-2019.