audio |
Canwell KO-920 LoFi mini-amplifier
Around 1969 issued amplifier for European markets made by 'Comet Electronics' company Japan.
front ^
Owners manual:
not yet available
interior ^
special futures:
There are models of this kind amplifier with RCA input/output sockets.
Light and small footprint amp. Wood case. Good build and good parts used.
This amp employs all silicon transistors. Separated volume and tone for R & L channel.
The amp has a 'Balance' meter on front.Specifications:
Distortion (THD 20Hz - 20kHz) < 0.1% at continuous output per channel: 2,5 Watts RMS per channel.
Speaker impedance: 8~16ohms
Signal/noise ratio: 85dB power amp. section
3 x DIN input.
Power transistors ^
not yet available
You may replace some capacitors and resistors in the power supply and power rail.
After modification this amp is capable of producing 2x 4 Watts RMS.
The amp has TO-5 power transistors that can get noisy and break down.
interior after update ^
The sound is very good for such a small amplifier.
© Hans Hilberink - PE1MMK ® 2003 - Last update: 10-05-2016.