Patrick 's Cabinets

Patrick sent the below pictures and info:

I build this first realisation, but the midrange is not OK for me.

The cabinets were realised in two ways:
I tried a horn cabinet, but the sound is not very good, perhaps because the crossover should be the same at the RHR.

 We, my son (he is also crazy about self made audiophile equipement) and me tried this bass reflex cabinet.

We saw this similar cabinet on the Hans Hilberink website at DEW'S PORTED CABINET.
The sound is good, very good, great and mild.
88cm front, 60cm deepth and 127cm high and 110kg.

A great sound, mild in the middle, a very good bass, very speedy...
We buid 4 cabinets, my son and me.

The cat of the Uhring's.


© Hans Hilberink PE1MMK ® and Patrick & Ludovic Uhring, last update: 29-09-2002.