model Johnny M61
Made in Austria, inside very similar to Nordmende Mambino, built in 1960 - 6 transistors, 4 early Intermetall transistors like the OC 304, 2 Philips OC72 output transistors - chassis is made by Nordmende (Germany), type is 'Johnny' - the sound is thinner as Mambino - pcb is made cheaper and some parts are missing and replaced by more simple circuits, to save parts and so costs. Serial # 617844.
inside of the Johnny
model Kessy TM
[ Belgisch douane zegel, blik, aan touwtje nr. LTB2 ]
This is a guinine AKKORD of 1959. It is beautifully built, has tone control and has 'Akkord' printed on the 2 separate pcb's, one HF and one LF. Most parts are dated 1958 or 1959. A mix of transistors is used in this radio: the HF converter is a metal Valvo OC170, the first IF is a glass Philips OC45, the second IF is a metal TeeKaaDee GFT45, both LF drivers are glass Valvo OC 71 and the LF power output transistors are Philips OC72. There are 2 diodes of Philips OA79 used. the radio is supplied at 9V by 2X 4,5V European flashlight flat cells. It has sensitive MW and LW reception. Sound is great ! This is one of my favorites. The radio had to be repaired: 2 capacitors in the LF tone-preamp were defect. They were replaced with the same type Wima caps so it stays in original status. The radio has the serial # 316155 and has been imported and sold in Belgium: it has a Belgium customs label # 'LTB2 Douane' inside, just like the:
Grundig Music Transistor Boy 59.
©PE1MMK® 2000 Hans Hilberink.