transistors OC
French made 1958 - No # 243683 - GO / PO / OC bands - Red/grey skai wooden cabinet with gold and red brandplate - 6 transistors: 5 French SFT 100 series and 1 Philco USA - big SIARE France speaker with generous bass - metal chassis: no pcb, the transistors are placed in plastic covers in the chassis - volumeknob not original due to a repair - although only 300 mW output the radio has a fantastic sound, near HiFi - telescope antenna for OC (short wave) - roundscale - back bad quality grey plastic - big square mf trafos - no output trafo: electrolytic condenser. No model # known.
transistors OC (2)
French made 1959 - GO / PO / OC bands ( LW/MW/SW) - Red/grey skai wooden cabinet with gold and red brandplate and backpainted dial surround - 6 transistors: all French Mazda SFT 100 series - big SIARE France speaker with generous bass - metal chassis: no main pcb, only the bandswitches are placed on a small pcb and that is socketed and can be removed by simply pulling it out of the socket, so this radio was made with several different wavebands - the transistors are placed in plastic covers in the chassis - although only 300 mW output the radio has a fantastic sound, near HiFi - telescope antenna for OC (short wave) - roundscale - back of bad quality grey plastic - big square mf trafos - no output trafo: electrolytic condenser. Nearly the same radio as above, but a little more elegant cabinet. No model # known.
For the remarkable schematic diagram of this radio click on this link.
Model all transistor
Very nice radio that works exceptionally well.
all transistor
Pretty radio made in France approx. 1963 - Serie A 95 No 107257 - 6 transitors SFT - MW / LW - small pcb and relatively arge SIARE speaker with inverted magnet construction - OTL output stage - plays very well with excelent sound -
all transistor FM
Radio made in France approx. 1965 - 9 transitors SFT - MW / LW / FM - plays well - schematic diagram inside cabinet - this radio is also known as Goldklang made for the German market.
©PE1MMK® Hans Hilberink Radiomuseum 08-07-2001.